I’m passionate about helping you reconnect with more JOY every single day.

Coffee Travel Joy Coaching Changes Life Lessons Therapy Coach Courage Connection Curiosity

Meet Gemma, your way back to JOY.

JOY became my life's passion after a huge life lesson; a wake-up call; or as some might call it an ‘awakening’.

This happened when a breakup left me in the most emotional state of my life. I felt emptyunheardunseenalone.

I tried to pick myself up, be strong (I mean, I’d been strong my entire life, I knew how to do that. Not a problem!) and convince myself that my worth wouldn’t be defined by another person.

I kept busy; I smiled: I travelled; I did all the things that usually make me happy. I have always generally been a positive person, but I just felt dead inside. I knew that something had to change. That something was ME!

I began to turn inward and invested in my own personal work. I learned that my inability to lean into the discomfort of vulnerability had limited the fullness of important life experiences that matter most to me (but are often filled with uncertainty): love, trust and joy.

Through my self-discovery I took action. I spoke my inner truth, learned how to express my needs more effectively, fully understood the impact of my fear of rejection that had held me back from love, became vulnerable and I cried like a baby for months, releasing years of self-protection.

This was a turning point in my life.

I opened myself up to feel and honour all the emotions that this one wild and precious life delivers to us. I drew attention to what is really important to me and started to live aligned to my core values. I became more present and slowly began to notice the colours of my life more vividly. I found contentment, connection and courage within myself. I experienced the very essence of JOY.

It's been life changing with the way it's unlocked the sense of purpose and potential I have for my future, the new way I want to serve others and how I show up for myself. I am now more aware of the ways I may start sabotaging joy and I'm hugely grateful for life every single day, with all of its many messy and magical moments.

I became a coach as there is no greater joy than in giving back and I am motivated to help you at your time of need. No matter how much we're told to just carry on at times of difficulty, we can't always simply move on. But this doesn't mean we can't move forward. I believe this is possible for everyone. I truly believe this is possible for you.

Do you want more from your life?

I will help you reconnect with joy. I will help you rediscover the beauty of everyday life.



Cornwall Walking Sun Happiness Coaching Changes Summer

My small moments of JOY

Things you still may not know about me

I have an enthusiasm for adventure, willingness to learn and live life on my own terms.

I love deep conversation, listening to podcasts and being with nature. 

My core values are freedom, adventure, growth and integrity.

I identify as an INFP personality type as set out by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. 

I’ve been a Social Worker for nearly twenty years. I’ve worked with children and families from many different backgrounds, and with those who are vulnerable, oppressed and living in poverty.

I also support prospective adoptive parents navigate the adoption process and the transition to becoming parents to children who have experienced trauma.

I am passionate about enhancing the overall well-being of communities and people. I understand human development, behaviour and the social, economic and cultural influences and interactions that exist.

Qualifications and Memberships

Certificate in Professional Coaching
Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Work and Diploma in Social Work
Graduate Certificate in Practice Education
Graduate Diploma in Children and Families Studies

Lowena can help.

If you feel afraid of change, making mistakes and rejection.

Fear is based on stories (both real and the imagined ones) we tell ourselves.

We can narrate our lives as if it is out of our control and we feel like we are playing a part someone else wrote for us.

Let’s create your own storyline. You are not just a character; you are the author of your life.

If you wake up and don’t know the reason you live for.

Building a sense of purpose makes you feel that the things you do in life are worthwhile.

This is cultivated by drawing attention to what you love, what you are good at and what you believe in, whilst also learning to embrace the joy of little things, being in the here and now.

If you place your happiness in the hands of others.

It’s time to turn down the dial of all the noise that surrounds you created by expectations from society and the comparison you make with others.

Learning to listen to your heart will bring you closer to your truth.

When you stop desiring what others have and appreciate this season of life you will experience renewed feelings of freedom.