LOWENA derives from the Cornish word for JOY.

I grew up in Cornwall and it felt really meaningful to choose a name that signifies something about me and my purpose.

Lowena offers transformational coaching to those who seek more JOY in their lives.

I created Lowena to inspire and guide you on your own personal transformation.

Through my coaching and community, I will help you find out what's really important to you every day, you will get a deeper understanding of yourself, and learn how you can step into a more joyful life. 

“Joy blooms where minds and hearts are open.”

— Jonathan Lockwood Huie

We all too often set ourselves milestones in life that we think will make us feel good but when we get there, we are left unfulfilled, or we believe we've failed if we don't live up to other people's or societal expectations.

We rarely stop to celebrate the small wins, we feel constrained by our commitments and constantly strive for the next big thing. We forget to pause, be still, and revel in the everyday moments. We can feel like we’re sleepwalking through life.

If ever we experience good times our brains can start to imagine that it won’t last and things will go wrong. Our thoughts run wild. We catastrophize. We begin to let fear set in. We can question if we’re really worthy of it given our past, faults, or imperfections.

When we are overwhelmed by our difficulties we convince ourselves that nothing is going to work out or we feel daunted by change. However we can begin to make positive shifts in the small moments of everyday if we use our imagination, be more playful, develop connections with others, and spark our creativity.

Life is a beautiful gift and you are a unique person with your own desires, skills, and experiences. In the current average human lifespan, we get 4,000 weeks to cherish each moment of life and it does not always need to feel like a struggle.

So, YOU truly deserve to experience more joy every single day.

Choose the right offering for you

“I feel genuinely privileged to have been able to experience my coaching journey with Gemma. I am taking away a new found sense of freedom as I have learned to connect with who I am.

The sessions have been hard at times, but the reward has led to an awakening of mind, enough that I now have the tools to continue to recognise feelings in myself, that I may have previously left unacknowledged.

My motivation was self-realisation and I have made real progress to achieve that which I would never have done on my own.

The support that I received from Gemma made me feel that she was genuinely committed to allowing space for me and has been encouraging enough to allow me to let my true self to step forward.”


Let’s work together!

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