
Do you want to benefit from connecting with yourself in nature?

I’m introducing ‘Nurtured by Nature’ - A coaching programme in Nature.

What is nature coaching?

This is a way for you to step outside of your normal routine, work and home to let nature nurture your future. Being in nature opens up our mind to new possibilities, gives us a sense of freedom whilst listening to birdsong, and has a calming, restorative effect on our bodies as studies show that the level of stress hormone, cortisol can be lower when walking outdoors. 

I have felt the personal joy of reconnecting with nature. The walks with my dog have often given me clarity, peacefulness and the chance to re-energise my mind. I now make conscious efforts to be mindful, connected and in awe of my surroundings whenever I'm out in nature, whether that be by the sea or among the trees.

When we're in challenging times we can often feel overwhelmed and become overly focused on our own thoughts, (I know I have experienced this), but nature makes you realise that there is something bigger than you. This realisation can have a profound effect on the mind and your actions. It can make you feel less alone, and makes your problems feel more manageable.

What’s involved?

With nature coaching we can ‘walk and talk’ together or we can just sit, chat and take in the surroundings. It’s your choice.

But I invite you to experience the beauty of nature that is all around you, that is within you.

All sessions follow the same transformational process as the ‘traditional coaching’ but with additional nature meditation and intention setting activity.

“By discovering nature, you discover yourself".


One off session lasting 1.5 hours - £80

A block of 6 sessions - £450

Payment plan is available upon request

Locations in Hampshire:


New Forest National Park




