I'm Gemma
Coach & Creator of Lowena

Ibiza Coaching Sea Lifestyle Changes Happiness Well-being

I am a Transformational Coach, Social Worker, and Adventure Seeker.

My philosophy is that JOY is a deep feeling inside of us. It is contentment. It is a quality that makes life worth living.

By confronting challenges in my life, I have uncovered the true meaning of joy. I believe joy is created by:

small moments; honest conversations; embracing the truest version of ourselves and being grateful. 

Whatever joy means to you, I know this feeling can always be harnessed, even during the most difficult times when it becomes harder to see the beauty of every day.

If you're feeling stuck and know you want more enjoyment within your life then you're in the right place. Let me guide you towards joy.

Stop Sleepwalking. Start living.

Do you feel an unrelenting burden of stress and experience burnout?

Lowena will help you to stop chasing down external achievements and the next thing on your to-do list. By learning to slow down and simplify life you can create space for small moments to shine.

Being present in ordinary moments that often go unnoticed allows us to be in charge of the pace of our life.

Do you experience negative self-talk and feel the heavy weight of your emotions?

Lowena will help you to practice gratitude, challenge negative thoughts, and encourage you to surround yourself with positive influences to rewire your outlook on life.

Paying attention to gratitude infuses life with a sense of abundance and contentment, fostering lasting joy.

Do you have a sense of isolation and feel disconnected from others?

Lowena will help you to have open, honest conversations and lean into vulnerability so you can share your feelings, fears, and joys which will deepen your relationships and lead to you feeling seen and understood.

The genuine connections that come from honest conversations nourish our souls and fill our hearts with joy.

Do you wake up feeling as if something is missing and want things to be different?

Lowena will help you let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and start being true to yourself, enabling you to celebrate your unique qualities, follow your passions, and reconnect with forgotten hobbies.

When we live in alignment with our true self, joy becomes a natural companion on our journey.

Choose your starting point

How can I help you today?


Join me for individual coaching over six sessions.

Break free from the autopilot and learn how to create the life you truly desire.


Join me for coaching whilst we connect with nature.

Awaken your senses and be embraced by the restorative magic of the outdoors.


Join me for a group meeting once a month.

Experience collective joy and connection to our wild nature.

Get access to a little extra joy.



“Thank you Gemma. Our work together has opened my eyes and my heart.

1 feel genuinely privileged to have been able to experience my coaching journey with Gemma. I am taking away a new found sense of freedom as I have learned to connect with who I am.“


“Gemma taught me how to choose my own direction in life and create some new habits. I have gained a lot more than I expected from coaching and feel I know myself more than ever before.”


I am now living a more abundant life that I love.

Gemma coached me through some big decisions in my life, and it was because of her guidance and support I had the confidence to make the changes that were well overdue. I will continue to use what I have learned from my coaching as I step forward into my future.”

Step forward and the path will appear